What you can do with the Response

As you might know by now the interviewers need to review and listen to the answers given by the respondents. For this we created a component that allows your customers to listen/watch the audio/video, read the transcriptions and update them where necessary. We do understand that the interviewers may not work individually and maybe want to share certain answers with their colleagues or they want to store it at some other place for future reference. Therefore we allow your customers to download the answers, including transcriptions with the simple ‘click of a button’.

See how this functionality works check out the videos below:

Playing answers

Updating a transcription

Downloading answers

Where to integrate the Response

The most common place to integrate our Response is in the candidate profile. However, since each software provider offers different workflows and interfaces it is completely up to the wishes of your customers where they want to review the answers of a respondent.

How to integrate the Response

To make your users interact with our Response in your software take the following steps:

  1. Include the following in your HTML file:

      <!-- Load a specific version of the Response component in the HTML head tag of your page -->
      <script src="<https://cdn.audiointakes.com/response/index.js>"></script>
  2. Add the custom HTML element to your code:

    <!-- *Make sure the parent element has a minimum **width of 320px** and a minimum **height of 180px.** Our Response will read the dimensions and if not sufficient will show an informing feedback message.* -->
    <div style="min-width:320px; min-height:180px;">
  3. Pass on the following attributes:






Response states

The Response component is used to display and interact with a response object of the Questionnaire (i.e. answers of a respondent). This object is fetched from our API and can have different states defined as status on the JSON object.

The different response states and their meaning: